Limekiln Pike Bridge UPDATE

October 27 Update:

The bridge is open! Intermittent lane closures are pending due to some final cleanup work of a pedestrian island, as well as AquaPA’s water bridge over the SEPTA tracks, but the bridge is otherwise open for business. These closures will only occur at off peak hours.



Update as of October 3:

Work continues on the bridge, which appears to be on target to wrap up by the end of October, with the exception of some final water line work that will cause a closure in November. Upcoming closures are as follows:

  • Monday, 10/11 through Friday, 10/29- intermittent single lane closures may occur between 9am and 3pm, and between 7pm and 6am.

  • Monday, 10/18 through Friday, 10/22- full closure for night work (9pm to 6am). Repaving will occur at this time.

  • Saturday, Nov. 13 starting at 3pm through Sunday, November 14 ending at 8am- full closure for Aqua PA work.

Work on the Limekiln Pike bridge, crossing the Septa Tracks and connecting us with Cheltenham, continues. I am happy to say that, based on the latest schedule update, the end is within sight! Per the contractor’s latest schedule (which did not take into consideration any delays from this week’s storms), work is due to wrap up by the end of October.