We’re very concerned with traffic in our neighborhood. How does Mike plan on handling speeders and traffic safety?
Mike’s experience as an architect with a major engineering and architecture firm has seen him work alongside traffic and civil engineers on a regular basis. Over the years, Mike has learned the process as it relates to dealing with township boards and PENNDOT in order to procure the proper studies and develop solutions to make our neighborhoods safer. Mike is very aware of the high rate of speed by drivers through our neighborhoods, inconsistent traffic patterns, and the concerns by residents for pedestrian safety, and is highly motivated by his own children to work on resolving those issues. Notably, Mike has pointed out previously that our neighborhoods were developed in a time before the smart phone existed, and with the advent of apps such as Waze, it cut through traffic by drivers who are unfamiliar with our neighborhoods is increasing. As pedestrian deaths increase as a result of distracted drivers, the importance of re-evaluating our traffic patterns and traffic safety procedures is more critical than ever before.
Mike’s appointment to the Board of Commissioners Public Safety Committee has put him in a position to influence important traffic safety considerations at the Board level, while also implementing improvements throughout the Ward at the request of residents.
Intersection of Limekiln Pike and Mt Carmel Ave. Pedestrian signal, but no crosswalk.
Why is he running? Is this a Trump thing?
No. Mike is the father of two young children, and he made up his mind to run prior to 2016’s election. His interests are fairly simple- work on developing and maintaining a neighborhood that is safe, secure, and as kid friendly as possible. He wants this community to be truly as great as possible for his kids to grow up in.
2021 Edit:
Many of you asked me in 2017 what my political affiliation was. At the time, my response to many of you was, and remains the same in 2021- “I’m the party of two small children.” While issues between Democrats and Republicans at the national and state levels continue to dominate the political dialog, in reality, this does not apply at the community level. At the community level, our goals remain the same- provide a safe environment for families, a pleasant environment for living, and an agreeable environment for all to live together.
How does being an architect help him lead the Ward?
As an architect, Mike has spent the past 15 years working on various institutional projects, including state funded projects. Mike has become well versed in the state mandated procurement process, and has developed a solid understanding of the risks involved with that process, risks that he would be looking to mitigate on the Board. Additionally, Mike’s experience as a planner will provide the Board with valuable insight into the direction of the Township over the next decade or two, as it relates to economic and population growth, and planning measures that would need to be implemented to accommodate those growths.
Mike's experience as an architect gives him unique zoning insight.
What are Mike's thoughts on protecting the environment?
Mike passed all nine of his architectural registration exams in 2008, and received his professional license that same year, allowing him to become a full member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA). As a registered architect, and an AIA member, two responsibilities are highlighted of utmost priority- protecting the lives of those whom inhabit the spaces that we design, and providing that space in a manner that is environmentally responsible. Despite the current Administration's stance that we withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement, the AIA took the following position, which Mike fully supports and stands by in his daily practice of architecture-
Additionally, Mike is a LEED Accredited Professional (LEED AP). What does this mean??? Well, LEED stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. He attained this accreditation in 2008, and has been upholding its principals ever since. Currently, Mike is working on a project targeting LEED Gold. For more information on this environmental design rating system, see the following link- http://www.usgbc.org/leed