Upcoming June 10 Commissioner Meetings

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The next Board of Commissioners meeting will occur this Thursday night, June 10, starting at 6:30 pm on Zoom.

At the Board of Commissioners’ Regular Meeting, the Board will discuss several items, including and amendment to the Per Diem Union and Police collective bargaining agreements to add Juneteenth (Emancipation Day- June 19) as a paid holiday. We will also continue the discussion and vote on the massage parlor ordinance that was heavily discussed last month.

At our Committee of the Whole Meeting, we will discuss the PREIT development at the Willow Grove Park Mall (site plan below), a small addition to New Life Church on the corner of Easton Road and Jenkintown Road, discuss a revision to the public speaking rules for the Committee of the Whole meetings, and hear about several more agenda items.

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As always, public comment is always welcome. At the regular Board of Commissioners meeting, public comment on agenda items is taken at the beginning of the meeting, and public comment on any topic is taken at the end of the meeting. In both cases, commenting time is limited to three minutes so that others may have an opportunity to speak. At the Committee of the Whole meeting, public comment is taken at the beginning of the meeting, and each commenter is limited to five minutes at that meeting.