Upcoming Board of Commissioners and Committee of the Whole Meetings

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This Thursday night will see another round of virtual meetings for the Board of Commissioners. The standing Board of Commissioners meeting will start at 6:30pm and conduct routine business this month. Following the regular Board meeting, Commissioners will reconvene for the Committee of the Whole meeting. Of note on the Committee of the Whole agenda is the North Hills well on Chelsea Avenue. Aqua PA is continuing the Land Development process, seeking approval to install new anion resin filtration at the well, with the goal of removing PFAS contaminants from our drinking water.

If you have any questions or concerns about the North Hills Well project, please feel free to reach out to me, or feel free to comment at Thursday Night’s meeting. Site plan and renderings are below.

North Hills Well- Site Plan

North Hills Well- Site Plan

View from Chelsea Avenue

View from Chelsea Avenue

Neighbor views

Neighbor views
